Welcome to Sarasota Country

The fight to save Old Miakka continues.

Now we have a development, Hidden Hammock, proposed for south of Fruitville and east of Oakford. It is 100 homes on 504 acres which could be developed as 5 acres lots like Oakford and Bel Air but the plans indicate it will be a small lot development. Please review the attached documents and come prepared to ask questions and learn what is going on.

The Neighborhood Workshop is planned for 4/29/2024 at 6:00 PM. The developers will not be making an in person presentation, it will be via Zoom.

Link to Zoom

Lakewood Ranch SE Appeal

The Dept. of Commerce agreed with the administrative judge and ruled against us. We will be appealing. In the meantime, the developer can go ahead at their own risk. If we win at the next level, they may be required to undo all the damage that was done to the property by their construction. Our attorney has asked for a stay to prevent them from doing irreparable harm to the land while we appeal.

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